If you are a Steak lover, you’re already known that different cuts each have unique taste and flavor. In this post we’ll talk about T-Bone: A special cut that gives you the chance to enjoy 2 different meats on a cow.

T-Bone - The best of both world
T-bone has always been famous in Western Steak culture cause of it fragrant and buttery, sweet flavor and tender texture. When using T-Bone you’ll get chance to try 2 different types of meat: the smaller part is Tenderloin, the bigger part is Striploin. Under the skilful hand of Elsol chefs, the steak will be marinated reasonably so that the customer can be satisfied. Most importantly, the nutritional values ​​will be remained, that helps our customer to absorb the necessary nutrients for the body.
When ordering this dish, you’ll also get to choose the doneness of Steak that suits your taste. But we don’t recommend you to order Medium Well or Well Done cause it’s going to make the Steak less juicy and very chewy. Personally, if i order Steak, i’ll go Rare. But if you can’t have pink meat, Medium Rare or Medium will be perfect for you. After all, it is your own choice to choose the level of doneness. But make it wise!
There is also another thing that you’ll get to choose that is 2 elective types of sauce. You can go with Honey Mustard, Black Peppercorn, Fried Garlic,..But we'd recommend you these 2 Best Seller at Elsol: BBQ sauce and Chili sauce. BBQ sauce is sour and sweet, easy to eat with. Chili sauce is quite spicy and fragrant Thyme and RoseMary, suitable for those who want some “Hot challenge”.
To balance the meal and save you from getting bored with just meat, the chef also adds fries, vegetables and salad. The dish will have more flavors and you don’t have to feel guilty after finishing a “Giant Steak dish”.

But we won’t stop here..
Normally at other restaurants you have to pay some money for the salad dish. But at Elsol, we have awhole FREE Salad Bar for you to try yourself
! Is’nt that amazing?! No worry, we’ll let you try it as much as you can by refill it regularly.
The staffs are also very friendly and helpful. If you don’t know what to order, and how the Steak done, do not hesitate to ask them. They will be glad to answer all your questions!

Enjoy the T-Bone dish in a romantic, cozy atmosphere, next to your beloved one. What could be better than that?


Every single person of us must have tried Meatball more than one time in our lives. I mean, how can you say no to a creamy - juicy dish that makes you salivate with hunger. Come to Elsol, we’ll serve you Cheesy Meatball With Tomato Sauce - The perfect apertizer to start your big meal.

What is special about Elsol’s Meatball?

This appetizer is called “Thịt viên phô mai sốt cà chua” in Vietnamese. The recipe is easy, but the process of selecting ingredients is very important. The chefs will use high-quality beef, preprocess and then ground the meat. Next they will cleverly turn into round meatballs with cheese inside to stimulate the flavor.

After getting fried the meatball will be crunchy on the outside and juicy with the cheese on the inside. When biting you can feel like it’s melting in your mouth. To avoid getting bored of just having Meatball, Elsol Chef will add a lot of Tomato Sauce to give the dish more flavor and juicy-looking.

The main ingredients of this dish simply are Beef and Tomato Sauce and Cheese. So when eating you will feel the crunchy taste of the crust, the creamy taste of the cheese, the sweetness of the Beef, the mild sourness of Tomato sauce and spices all blend together and create a great combination that makes the dish unforgettable. Hungry yet? I got you, i actually had to try the dish before writing this post.
Meatball at Elsol - It is more than just an apetizer.
I remember that i once wrote that: A great restaurant not only has good food but also professional service. And Elsol does it well. When you step into the restaurant, the staff will welcome you with their friendly smile and help you choose the suitable dishes. Besides the great service Elsol will surprise you with an elegant, romantic space with soft yellow lights and candles on every table. How perfect can it be!

Back to the apetizer, this is a Must-try dish at Elsol. With the price is 85,000VND, it is too affordable to say no. I am sure that once you have a bite, you can not resist to have it more and more.


According to Vietnamese culinary culture, before cooking Beefsteak, they often marinate the meat with a mixture of vinegar, garlic, pepper, .. to add more flavors to the dish. In this post i’m going to give you 4 best ways that you can marinate your Steak and make it juicy, tender, flavorful!

Fruits juice provides quite a large amount of enzyme, so when you marinate the juice with Beefsteak it will increase moisture and tender for the meat. Even when you cook it at high temperatures, the meat is still very soft and good to eat. Depends on your hobby, you can choose pineapple, papaya, kiwi..then alll you have to do is applying the juice to the entire piece of meat and wating for 30 - 45 minutes. After that you can rinse it with water and process it.

Carbonated mineral water contains many air bubbles, so when marinated, the meat will be soft but still ensure the natural sweetness for the beef. What you do here is fill the meat in carbonated mineral water. Leaving the Steak in a cool, dry, stable temperature to soften the meat for about 30-40 minutes.
Take the meat out and rinse it. Then scrub some pepper and salt on both side of the meat and cook immediately.

One of the most-basic tips for marinating Beefsteak is using salt. If you use good qualitied salt, it will ensure that the steak is soft from inside out. You only need to marinate for 20 - 30 minutes to be able to process Beefsteak immediately.

With the help of this marinade, the beef will ensure the softness and natural sweetness when being processed. Apply baking soda evenly on the sides of the meat. Then put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that, you can cook it whatever way you want.

Those are the special - easy ways to give your Steak some more flavors in the meal. Which one will you choose?


In English, “Tobiko” means Flying Fish Roe. It has a red-orange color, a mild smoky or salty taste, and a crunchy texture. Tobiko is being used a lot at Sushi restaurant and considered extremely precious. In this post, I’ll give you some good benefits when eating Tobiko.
Tobiko has been using a lot at sushi restaurants.
👉 The omega-3 content in Tobiko is very high, It helps protecting the heart and liver.
👉 Tobiko also trengthens resistance, improves body's immune system. Your insomnia symptoms will be improved and it also reduces the amount of fat in the liver and inflammation.
👉 Any lady who wants to have a beautiful - glow skin must try this nutritious food! By eating Tobiko will help enhance skin pigmentation, prevent aging and skin diseases such as melasma, freckles, pimples ...

👉 In addition, Tobiko also has enhanced eyesight, gives you a healthy - bright pair of eyes. Isn’t it just great?!
Elsol must-try dish: Tobiko Cream Pasta.

Currently, Elsol restaurant has been using Tobiko for the dish Tobiko Cream Pasta and it is one of our best seller because of it exotic and refreshing taste. Come and try!


Each restaurant often has their own way of cooking beef, along with a special recipe. However, at Elsol Meat & Wine, we have FIVE levels of doneness: Rare-Medium Rare-Medium-Medium Well-Well Done. So if you are a fan of beef steak, I’m sure you are very interested in choosing the doneness at the level that you desire.

There has been many diners asking us which level they should choose for a perfect, juicy steak. Therefore, I recommend these three levels to enjoy the most flavor out of our high quality beef.
RARE (20% cooked)
This is the first answer to the question: which level should you choose when eating at Elsol restaurant. A rare steak is placed on a hot grill for 2 minutes each side. The steak should be warm through the center, lightly charred on the outside, browned around the sides, and bright red in the middle.

Rare Steak has a great juiciness.

The advantage of choosing this level is the meat will look so fresh and juicy. The cooking temperature is around 30 - 50°C so the meat will be warm. You can feel a slightly burnt taste on the outside but sweetness inside. Once you have a bite, you won’t want to stop having more.
However, because the steak is almost raw inside, those who get used to having well-cooked meat will be a little afraid. But don’t worry, after having one bite I’m sure you’ll be addicted.

MEDIUM RARE (50% cooked)
This is the gold-standard of steak doneness. A lot of customers have been ordering it since the steak would be half-cooked, it's quite easy to eat. The meat will be cooked 3-4 minutes each side, leaving a redness at the very center, following by a pink ring around the center and a brown crust on the outside.

Medium Rare - Best choice among 5 levels.
Why is it probably the best steak doneness level? After getting cooked, the steak will be extremely tender, juicy and plump . When you get a bite, it will melt inside your mouth and you can feel the sweetness and tastiness.
So if you are confused about which level you should choose, I recommend you give it a try.

MEDIUM (75% cooked)
Last but not least, we have Medium. If you are used to eating well-cooked meat, I think this is the one for you. Because most of the steak is cooked, this level is quite suitable for Asian cuisine and lifestyle too. The steak is grilled for 4-5 minutes on each side, leaving a nicely charred and caramelized on the outside but will have a warm pink center.
Medium Steak is a good choice for people that are not used to having Raw Meat.
The advantage of this steak doneness is that it's easy to eat, doesn't leave you the feeling of eating raw food. If it's your first time having steak, I think you should choose this level.
Medium steak retains the buttery, flavorful taste of Medium-Rare one, but has slightly less juiciness and tenderness, due to moisture loss. Because the meat is cooked for quite a long time so the outside of it is a bit chewy. Gourmet customers would rather not choose this level.

These are 3 popular levels of steak doneness in Elsol. Which one will you choose?


If you are a steak lover and would love to try different types of steak on the dish, come to Elsol - We got what you need with a very affordable price! As we all know: Steak has always been the best meat due to it juiciness and tenderness. At Elsol, you will have the opportunity to enjoy 4 types of Steak just on one dish!

A portion for 1-2 people.

The 4 Steak Prime - More Steak More Fun
On the dish will have 4 different types of steak - each one is 150g which is a perfect portion for 1 - 2 people. So what kind of steaks will be included?
  • Tenderloin: The most delicious part of the cow, low in fat, high in meat and very nutritious.
  • Flank: Low of fatness. It is considered to be one of the best parts of the cow. Flank has a combination of lean and tendon, so when eating you can taste the sweetness and the crunch of the Steak.
  • Top Blade: Lean shoulder core, soft and low-fat Steak, midribs help making the Steak crispy and juicy when being grilled, also known as Oyster Blade.
  • Chuck Eye: The meat is interspersed with tendon fat, when being grilled there is a specific aroma that cannot be mistaken with other parts.

You can also enjoy the dish with 4 ELECTIVE sauces, churros and salad. Speaking of vegetables, at Elsol we have a Salad Bar that you can have as much as you want FOR FREE. The staffs will refill it regularly to make sure your meal is balanced with Meat and Vegetables.

Selective Salad Bar that is refilled regularly.
The price: With only 829,000 VND you’ll get to try 600g of steak in total, 4 types of sauces and FREE salad. It is a must-try dish because of it convenient and affordable price!

Come to Elsol, you can sit and chill in a romantic - cozy atmosphere. With the profesional service we’ll give you a great unforgettable time with your family, your friends, your lover or even just by yourself.


Knowledge is infinite and reading is one of the way to get it as much as you can. Recognizing the importance of reading, Elsol has equipped a bookshelf to help the staffs relax and gain interest in reading. This culture has been going for almost a year now and it’s doing a good job of mantaining the energy to work and build the desire to become better.
Why does Elsol have Reading Culture? Is it necessary?
Why has Elsol equipped a bookshelf for the staffs?
It is common to have a bookshelf at a Cafe shop, but at a Steakhouse? Is it necessary? The answer is YES. We all know reading is a good habit that everyone should maintain. Many studies have shown that reading every day will bring many benefits for your health, psychology and mind.
  • Reading will stimulate us to think which helps keeping the brain active and preventing dementia.
  • A valuable and meaningful book will attract you. So all stress will be quickly forgotten to help you focus on discovering new things from books. Therefore, it will help you to start working in the best way.
  • Cultivate knowledge, expand vocabulary: The more you read, the more you know. For Elsol staffs, this is a good way to make their serving improve better.
  • One of the benefits that reading gives us is improving your focus. And that is very important to the staffs, since they had to pay attention to the smallest details to meet the highest needs of customers.
With these great benefits, our Reading Culture has been enthusiastically responded by the staffs, in spite of spending time on phone people can relax their minds with books.

Reading has always been the best way to acquire knowledge. 
Book Review Program
To encourage this, the director has a monthly Book Review Program for staffs. Therefore, from 1st to 5th monthly, each staff will have to register a book that he/she will review. The review will show how the staffs feel/think after reading. What lessons did they learn for yourself and why are they willing to share and recommend it to other people? The review must not be copied anywhere and sent through email via on the last day of the month. If it is compelling and insightful, they will be rewarded with 200,000 Dong. Especially, the number of staffs who get rewarded is not limited, so if you really care, the reward of Book Review Program will belong to you.

If the review is compelling and insightful, they will be rewarded with 200,000 Dong. 
With the Reading Culture and the Monthly Book Review Program, Elsol is helping the staffs to get more values and knowledges in life. Thanks to that, they can work better and that leads to a professional, dedicated, thoughtful serving of Elsol to satisfy every customers.


Last night me and my friends stopped by Elsol Meat&Wine. If you are a fan of Beefsteak, I’m sure that Elsol will please you. The food and the atmosphere there are really suitable for dating, hanging out with friends or family!

Inside Elsol before it got crowded

When I first entered the restaurant, I was impressed with the cozy atmosphere. The restaurant has an airy space combined with vintage decoration style to help customers feel romantic. I remember we did take a lot of selfie there!

When we were taking selfie and talking, a cute waitress came to approach us. She helped us choosing the suitable Steak and the right Steak doneness (which I really appreciated that cause my friends are new to Steak) There are 4 of us so we ended up ordering a lot of food. We ordered two appetizers which are Mac&Cheese and Paté to try while waiting for the main course. I’m sure that everyone is familiar with Mac&Cheese so I’ll skip praising it, but it was a good dish. 

As for the Paté, it was handmade and served with toast. The combination of it and the crispy bread makes me really happy.

Mac & Cheese


And it was time for the MAIN DISHES!!! First dish was Cheese Steak (trust me when I was typing this review I was still craving for it) A portion of 200g Topblade, with a thick lay of CHEESE on top. When eating you will feel a lot of flavors: The fatness and juiciness of the steak, the creamy, little bit sour of the cheese. It also includes corn, fries, onions and broccoli. Definitely a MUST HAVE when you come to Elsol.

The Cheese Steak

The next dish was Flank Steak with Chili Perper sauce. As in the menu, the meat has a 3/5 softness and 2/5 fat, so when eating you will feel the toughness and crunchiness of the beef tendons. I love eating spicy so when the Chili sauce combined with the sweetness of the Steak, it became a great dish😋


The Chuck Eye Roll with Black PepperCorn sauce was the last Steak dish that we ordered. Probably due to enjoying two previous dishes with a strong taste, when having Chuck Eye Roll I felt a bit bland. Because the sauce of the dish is made from black pepper, this pepper is fragrant but slightly bland compared to my taste. But in return, the meat of the dish is very soft and sweet so I still give this dish an 8..

Chuck eye

We ordered one more Gnocchi with cinnamon sauce. It was rolled into beautiful pretty dumplings. I could taste a soft toughness with a very delicate aromatic of the sauce that brings an impressive and unique dish.


After the dinner at Elsol, we were so full and relaxed. We all promised when we get paid we definitely will come back again!

Address: 140/2 Vo Thi Sau Street, Ward 8, District 3.


If you are a steak lover and haven’t found a good steakhouse in Sai Gon, let me recommend to you the 10 best steakhouses with affordable prices. I’m sure that you will be satisfied with their special and delicious dishes.

El Gaucho Restaurant
The first restaurant is El Gaucho, it is considered a 5-star restaurant. Here you will enjoy high quality beefsteak dishes with the best fresh beefs. Their menu is diverse, so you can order special dishes such as fillet steak with mushroom sauce, caramel vodka and other unique desserts.
Various types of beef.

Butcher shop to where you can choose the meat yourself
- 74 Hai Ba Trung, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city.
- CR1-12 Crescent Mall, 101 Ton Dat Tien Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 11:00AM – 11:30PM.

New York Steakhouse
The next restaurant on the list is the New York Steakhouse. The restaurant specializes in providing the best American steak in Sai Gon. Their best sellers that you cannot miss are the Ribeye Steak, New York Steak and Tenderloin. I bet once you try it, you can’t stop having more!
Vintage, elegant decoration

''We serve all kind of steak."

Address: 27 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Da Kao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 11:00AM – 12:00AM.

Amigo Grill Restaurant
Amigo is known as the perfect destination for couples. When coming here, you will be served international dishes such as Norwegian salmon, grilled beef along with the finest wines. Imagine enjoying good food in a romantic atmosphere, with your lover, how perfect can it be!
Wagyu Beef Ribeye

Bright and comfortable space

Address: 55 – 57 Nguyen Hue Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 11:00AM – 11:00PM.

Saigon Steak 123
With a modern and luxurious decoration, you will be satisfied when trying their high quality beefsteak. This is the ideal destination for family parties or friends gatherings with friends.
Luxurious decoration

Simple yet delicious steak dish

Address: 123 Le Loi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 10:00AM – 22:00PM.

Bonjour Resto
Although the restaurant is quite modest, Bonjour Resto has a cozy and wonderful atmosphere. When coming to the restaurant, you will enjoy dishes with Western flavor for a most suitable prices.
Bright decoration

Tender steak that will make your mouth drool
150/35 Nguyen Trai Street, District 1.
6/2 Nguyen Huy Tuong Street, Binh Thanh District.
- 193/1 Hai Ba Trung Street, District 3.
- 178/8 Pasteur Street, District 1.
- 517 Su Van Hanh Street, District 10.
- 8 Hoa Mai Street, Phu Nhuan District.
Open time: 9:00AM – 10:00PM.

Boomerang Bistro Saigon
When mentioning the best 10 most delicious steakhouses, you cannot ignore the famous Boomerang Bistro Saigon. The space is relaxing and romantic along with high quality dishes which will surely make every customer satisfied. These dishes are made from imported Australian beef, with a naturally sweet and fragrant taste along with delicious sauce will leave you craving more.
Lots and lots of food

BBQ Pulled Pork Burger

Address: 107 Ton Dat Tien Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 7:30AM - 11:00PM.

Pepper Lunch
Pepper Lunch is the next name on the list. The beefsteak dishes are combined with butter and unique sauce, which have made a strong impression on the diners. The service is impeccable, you will be guided and introduced dishes enthusiastically. If you have the opportunity, give it a try!
The most affordable restaurant in the list

Address: B3-34, Union Square, 171 Dong Khoi Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 9:00AM – 10:00PM.

48 Bistro
At 48 Bistro you will enjoy steak dishes with French style. The delicious sauce when served with beefsteak will make your mouth drool.
Ribeye Steak

Cozy atmosphere
Address: 48-50 Le Thi Rieng Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 6:30AM – 9:30PM

Steak Deli
Famous for the Western cowboy-style décor, along with delicious and unique steaks, Steak Deli is attracting a large number of customers. Come and enjoy beefsteak dishes in a cozy atmosphere.
Hidden gem in Saigon
Address: 6/1 Cach Mang Thang 8 Street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 5:00PM – 10:00PM.

Elsol Meat&Wine
The last candidate is Elsol. The restaurant has been opening since 2015, so they really know how to serve high quality steak and the service is undeniably professional. At Elsol, beside their famous steaks there’s also a free Salad Bar that will satisfy even difficult customers.
The restaurant also has a cozy atmosphere, so it's definitely is a great place to date for couples, let your lover enjoy a delicious dinner here.
Top blade

Free Salad Bar

Address: 140/2 Vo Thi Sau, Ward 8, District 3, Ho Chi Minh city.
Open time: 11:00AM – 22:30PM.

So these are the best Steakhouses that i recommend for you. Hopefully after this blog, you can choose one and enjoy the delicious steak.


If you are a Steak lover, you’re already known that different cuts each have unique taste and flavor. In this post we’ll talk about T-Bone: ...