Each restaurant often has their own way of cooking beef, along with a special recipe. However, at Elsol Meat & Wine, we have FIVE levels of doneness: Rare-Medium Rare-Medium-Medium Well-Well Done. So if you are a fan of beef steak, I’m sure you are very interested in choosing the doneness at the level that you desire.

There has been many diners asking us which level they should choose for a perfect, juicy steak. Therefore, I recommend these three levels to enjoy the most flavor out of our high quality beef.
RARE (20% cooked)
This is the first answer to the question: which level should you choose when eating at Elsol restaurant. A rare steak is placed on a hot grill for 2 minutes each side. The steak should be warm through the center, lightly charred on the outside, browned around the sides, and bright red in the middle.

Rare Steak has a great juiciness.

The advantage of choosing this level is the meat will look so fresh and juicy. The cooking temperature is around 30 - 50°C so the meat will be warm. You can feel a slightly burnt taste on the outside but sweetness inside. Once you have a bite, you won’t want to stop having more.
However, because the steak is almost raw inside, those who get used to having well-cooked meat will be a little afraid. But don’t worry, after having one bite I’m sure you’ll be addicted.

MEDIUM RARE (50% cooked)
This is the gold-standard of steak doneness. A lot of customers have been ordering it since the steak would be half-cooked, it's quite easy to eat. The meat will be cooked 3-4 minutes each side, leaving a redness at the very center, following by a pink ring around the center and a brown crust on the outside.

Medium Rare - Best choice among 5 levels.
Why is it probably the best steak doneness level? After getting cooked, the steak will be extremely tender, juicy and plump . When you get a bite, it will melt inside your mouth and you can feel the sweetness and tastiness.
So if you are confused about which level you should choose, I recommend you give it a try.

MEDIUM (75% cooked)
Last but not least, we have Medium. If you are used to eating well-cooked meat, I think this is the one for you. Because most of the steak is cooked, this level is quite suitable for Asian cuisine and lifestyle too. The steak is grilled for 4-5 minutes on each side, leaving a nicely charred and caramelized on the outside but will have a warm pink center.
Medium Steak is a good choice for people that are not used to having Raw Meat.
The advantage of this steak doneness is that it's easy to eat, doesn't leave you the feeling of eating raw food. If it's your first time having steak, I think you should choose this level.
Medium steak retains the buttery, flavorful taste of Medium-Rare one, but has slightly less juiciness and tenderness, due to moisture loss. Because the meat is cooked for quite a long time so the outside of it is a bit chewy. Gourmet customers would rather not choose this level.

These are 3 popular levels of steak doneness in Elsol. Which one will you choose?

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